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Essential Self-Care Practices for Those Who Work from Home

January 25, 2022 · Written by Lisa Walker of

When you work from home — while likely also managing a household, trying to keep in touch with loved ones, and handling an endless to-do list — taking time to care for yourself can feel like the last thing you've got the time for. However, it’s important that you consciously take time to practice self-care. Both your personal and professional lives will improve when you do.

You Can Take Care of Yourself


While the drive to dive in and ignore everything else is strong, you cannot forget yourself. If you disregard your body, mental health, and physical health, you'll have a hard time throughout the process. Numerous experts can help you get started on the self-care process. From depression and PTSD to anxiety and other conditions, wellness professionals​ use different strategies to help you become the absolute best version of yourself. 


It’s important to set yourself up for self-care by first setting the stage in your living space. Home is where you spend most of your time, so be intentional about identifying any areas that may be leading to stress.


Clutter, for instance, can be a big source of undue anxiety, so go room by room and determine what can be discarded, sold or donated. Also open up those blinds or curtains and let more sunshine in.


A few houseplants is another way to brighten the indoor environment. The goal is to replace bad vibes with positive ones so you can more easily take care of yourself.

Manage Your Time

Having a planner to note when you need to do certain things is a great way to keep yourself organized. Being organized is the best method to stay on top of everything you need to do during the day, week, month, or year. Besides getting a calendar or a planner to keep things organized, try making everyday things simpler. For instance, meal-prep, keep a to-do list close to stay on top of the day’s tasks, or jog to the gym if it’s close enough.


Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for clear brain function, motor skills, and decision-making. Resting enables both your body and brain to restore functions to their maximum capacity. The best way to do this is to create a schedule that prioritizes you getting to bed on time. Each individual needs a different amount of sleep, but you can determine how many hours you need based on how you feel in the morning.


Ask for Help

When you work from home, it’s harder for your boss to see where you need help. After all, they can’t swing by your home office throughout the week to get a status check on the projects you’re working on. If you need more support, tell your employer what would be most helpful to you. Do you need a virtual assistant to schedule meetings and field your client calls? Are you working on a project that’s grown too big for you alone to manage? Identify what’s overwhelming you, and let your superior know what you need to remedy the situation.


Give Yourself a Break

It can be hard to separate yourself from your job when you work from home, but it’s important you don't let your career ambitions dominate your whole schedule. For every few hours of work, take some time to rest, take it easy, and have a bit of fun. The aim is to avoid burnout so that you can appreciate and enjoy the career you love.


Move Your Body

Most people who work from home spend a considerable amount of time at the computer, in front of a journal, or other documents. The stationary posture will eventually lead to significant discomfort, so take time during your work to get up and move around.



Take The Time to Take Care of Yourself


When you work from home, you cannot forget to take care of your mind, body, and spirit along with your work obligations. Take the time to cater to yourself, and you'll see professional and personal success.

Top article photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova (Pexels)